30 November 2010

To (Possibly) Cheat

First off, you are soooo right.  This outfit is kind of similar to THIS outfit.


Second, it was cool outside when I took these pictures. 
That's why I wore this jacket which wasn't one of my 30 for 30 selections.


No, seriously.  Wearing this jacket is NOT cheating!

Black Dress: NY & Co; Patterned Tights: UO
Boots: Rocket Dog via Amazon
Belt: Came with some pair of pants and is so ugly it's awesome
Necklace: gift; Jacket: Gap and obviously not cheating

Is it?? 

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29 November 2010

To Start the Holiday Movie Season

Some families bake cookies during the Holiday season, some hang lights, some count down to Christmas with an Advent calendar.


We see movies.


For the next few months (and into awards season) we spend LOTS of time in the big comfy seats of our local megaplex.  Dinner consists of boat loads of popcorn and gallons of soda.
Occasionally we splurge and have candy for dessert.  I mean you've got to treat yourself, right?


Sweater: Express; Teal Shirt: Express
Grey Jeans: Target; Brown Boots: Victoria's Secret
Wooden Jewelry: ABC Trading Company (el cheapo jewelry in STL)
3D Glasses: Already Recycled at the theatre

This weekend we kicked off the Holiday season by catching Tangled in 3D.  It was adorable and definitely much lighter many of the films that come out this time of year.  I'm really looking forward to the more serious and the darker stuff {The Fighter, The King's SpeechBlack Swan, True Grit} yet to come.

What movies are you looking forward to this Holiday Season?

28 November 2010

"I'd Like to Thank the Academy..."

Remember here when I said that I was taking the weekend off from blogging and I would see you back on Sunday? Well, the truth is, I couldn’t do it. I missed you guys too much! If the Thanksgiving Holiday is all about being grateful for the blessings in your life, how could I totally ignore one of my favorite things? This blogging community occupies a special place in my heart. It may sound weird to any non-bloggy types out there… but I feel like I’ve developed relationships and become part of an encouraging and hysterical community! And for that I'm incredibly thankful.

In the past few weeks I’ve been the grateful recipient of a couple of blog awards that I’ve yet to “receive” properly. Well, lest that procrastination appear to be indifference or ingratitude I'm celebrating the awards/tags today!

Three very lovely ladies recognized me...

I'm fortunate enough to know the lady behind Of Such is the Kingdom in real life! She’s my friend! She’s an inspiration to me in many ways, and as her blog illustrates, she’s a creative and wise parent who enjoys life and isn’t afraid to think outside of the box.

Alyssa over at A Muse a Day is a fellow blogger that I'm just getting to know. Her blog is full of inspiring images, yummy food, fearless fashion and interior design. As a fellow mid-westerner, I was instantly drawn to Alyssa’s no nonsense sensibility and I look forward to growing our bloggy friendship.

I’ve jokingly referred to Lori at No More Sweatpants as my blog twin. We both started our personal style blogs as an incentive to get out of our lazy clothes AND we both teach fitness classes. Sure she lives in Humboldt County and has adorable children and a kick butt Etsy shop … so we don’t share EVERYTHING in common. But, you get the point, right?

So, these three lovely ladies tagged me over the past few weeks and suggested that I share a few things about myself and a few things that make me happy. Rather than do three separate posts, I figured I’d combine them all and give you one list that fulfills each lady’s request.

Here’s my list of 10 things either about me or that make me happy

(Ok, Ok, so that title is not exactly catchy… it doesn’t quite roll off the tongue as this writer might have hoped. But it effectively communicates the truth about what you are about to read. Let’s all just agree that I'm sacrificing form for substance, shall we?)

1. I live in the ‘hood and I love it. Even though Domino’s refuses to deliver pizza here after dark and my dog sitter’s truck got stolen from right in front of our house, I still love living in my neighborhood. I love that not everyone looks and sounds like me. I love that there are people who earn three times the income we do living next to others who earn considerably less than we do. I love that sometimes when I tell people where I live they look at me with surprise in their eyes and say, “Really?" I love that the houses have character and there aren’t two that are identical for as far as the eye can see. I love that even though our neighborhood might be considered “transitional,” I’ve never felt unsafe, unwelcome or out of place. I love that I have friends within walking distance and (literally) 15 kids that play in our yard on a daily basis. I love our neighborhood.

2. I secretly hope to be a superstar someday. Even though I know that it’s highly unlikely that I’ll ever be “worldwide, internationally known,” I still sometimes dream it’s possible. I think it’s mainly because I want all the free stuff and super good seats at the Oscars.

3. I’ve never seen It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s true. I love movies. I even love old movies. But I’ve never watched It’s a Wonderful Life. I intend to change that this year, but as of today I’ve never watched the classic film.

4. I’ve only ever kept one job in my life longer than 3 years. I’ve worked nearly non-stop since I was 16 (that’s almost 20 years if you want to be a jerk and do the math) and I’ve only been fired once, but I’ve just stayed at ONE job for more than 3 years. (and I changed positions with that employer a couple of times, so I'm not certain it really counts) My jobs have included but are not limited to: Video Store clerk (yes, we rented VHS VIDEOs), Camp Counselor, Dance Teacher, Nanny, Flight Attendant (we don’t like to be called stewardess), Mortgage Loan Processor, Book seller & Wedding Coordinator. I won’t bore you with the rest of the list.

5. Flannel Sheets make me happy. I never knew I liked flannel sheets until I bought a set for my hubby (who LOVES them) for Christmas last year. I figured part of the gift would be that I would sleep on them without complaining. Turns out, I don’t complain because I love them. Who knew?

6. I'm a city mouse not a country mouse. For this reason, living where we do is sometimes incredibly difficult and challenging. God is definitely using our time here to grow and develop my character.

7. Food makes me happy. With the exception of watermelon, sour cream and nuts INSIDE my food, there are very few things that I don’t enjoy chowing down on. I love to eat.

8. This is the first year that I’ve stuck with a Bible reading plan this long. In the Christian community there are all kinds of daily bible reading plans out there. Each new year, many of us make commitments to read through the Bible or a part of the Bible using one of the various plans. I'm not pointing my finger at anyone else, but typically I don’t stick to my commitment. This year, however, we’re nearly into December and I’ve kept up with my reading plan. I'm grateful to report that reading and meditating on scripture on a regular basis has made a huge impact on my life. I'm incredibly blessed by what that living and active word has done in my heart, in my relationships and for my faith.

9. I can remember (and skillfully rap) every word to Ice, Ice Baby but I have to make a list when I go to the grocery store or else I forget what I’ve planned for dinner. Can you say, "misuse of brain space?"

10. I've spent entirely too much time trying to figure out what to put as number 10 on this list.  So, nine is all you get.  Sorry.  My blog. My rules.

Okay, so now, each lady asked me to tag more people and pass these awards along.  When I combine all their requirements, I would have to tag 22 of you.  I fear that there are not still 22 of you reading this... Therefore, I tag you!  Consider it your reward for reading to the end of this SUPER long post.  Go ahead, I dare you to tell us seven things about yourself or 10 9 things that make you happy! 

24 November 2010

To Look at the Calendar

I started working a "part-time" retail job last week.  Suddenly, my calendar is out of control.

While it is "part-time," I'm working a few hours almost every day.  I'm feeling pretty loopy and stressed. 
How on Earth did I get everything done when I worked FULL time?

See that vacant look in my eyes?  That's a perfect illustration of what my brain feels like after a few hours of retail work. Let's say, I'm a bit frazzled.  Bless those of you who battle retail crowds full time, year round.  You are strong, patient, possibly a little bit insane and incredibly brave.

Skinny Jeans (roll inspired by Sydney): Old Navy; Striped Tunic: Thrifted
Necklace: Vintage from a local Antique Shop
Belt: yep, still don't remember
Boots: DSW
Earrings: Giveaway Prize (See, I told you I wear them CONSTANTLY)

Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to earn a little bit of extra money during the Holiday Season.  And if this job doesn't kill me, I can't wait to spend it.

And with that, I bid you ado until Monday! 
I'm looking forward to some time with our family and friends and one big old bird. 
Happy Thanksgiving!!

23 November 2010

To Travel in the Rain

After beautiful weather throughout our trip, the rains moved in just as we were leaving D.C.

Never fear! First, I packed umbrellas for us. And second it gave me the perfect opportunity to preform my "Singin' in the Rain" routine.

What? You don't have choreographed dance numbers prepared for all weather occasions?

Green Umbrella: Dollar Store
Black Jersey Dress: NY&Co.; Chambray Shirt: Thrifted
Black Belt: ehhh, no clue; Patterned Tights: Simply Vera for Kohls
Black Boots: Rocket Dog via Amazon
Scarf: Vintage; Earrings: Giveaway Prize (That I've worn CONSTANTLY)

Wow. You should probably get to work on that.

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22 November 2010

To Remember

The main reason for our trip to Washington, D.C. was to attend a burial service at Arlington National Cemetery.

The hubby's Grandmother passed away earlier in the year, and this past weekend we attended a memorial service honoring her at Arlington.

She lived a long life and I'm so grateful to have had a brief chance to get to know her. 

Arlington was such a beautiful place to remember her and celebrate her life.

Black Jersey Dress: NY&Co; Pink Sweater: Old Navy
Scarf: MOMA Museum Store; Tights: Urban Outfitters
Boots: Black Dog via Amazon

20 November 2010

Two of My Thirds Finished

Twenty outfits posted and just ten to go!

I've got to admit I'm starting to miss some of the rest of my wardrobe.  The poor things, every time I open my closet they look at me wondering, "Today can we get in the game, coach?"  It's not easy leaving them on the bench day after day.  It's especially tough because I'm seeing each piece in a whole different light.  They've got SUCH potential!!! 

But enough about them, let's talk about the CURRENT stars.  My chosen 30 for 30 pieces are serving me well.  Here's a round up of outfits 11- 20.

I've still got plenty of tricks up my sleeve for the last 10 looks.  Thanks for hanging out and cheering me on!

19 November 2010

To See the Sights

Our first day in D.C. we were total tourists.

{check out the hubby's shadow}

We were all over the Mall.  Plus, I made the hubby take at least 10 pictures of me and my outfit.

Which is definitely LESS conspicuous when there are thousands of other people doing the SAME thing.

Hippy Dress: St. Louis Head Shop; Maroon Turtleneck: Express
Tights: Express; Boots: Victoria's Secret
Belt: Thrifted; Earrings: Super Cheap-o and several years old.
10 pictures, by the way, is WAAAAAAAAAAAY fewer pictures than I usually have to work with...  Perhaps I'm over shooting?!?

Can you believe I was wearing this outside in November in D.C.? Awesome.

18 November 2010

To Utilize Public Transportation

On Saturday we took our car to the airport, boarded 2 different airplanes, caught a bus from the airport to the metro, rode D.C's metro to the Rosslyn Station and then hopped a hotel shuttle bus from the metro station to our hotel.

This outfit served me well.  It was warm, comfortable and I felt super cute all day long.
(Excuse me if I'm looking a little road tired in this picture.)

Blue Striped Shirt: 2nd Hand; Navy Cashmere Sweater: J.Crew
Jeans: Old Navy Sweetheart Skinny Jeans; Brown Boots: Victoria's Secret
Key Necklace: Christmas gift from the hubby

After settling into our hotel room, we dashed off to the Lincoln Monument to view it at night.
Do I need to tell you that it was amazing?
Here's proof:

Man oh man, D.C. is absolutely amazing.

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17 November 2010

To Over Edit

I shot these pictures in a total rush before leaving town last week.

I was running back and forth between my "spot" and the tripod in a panic.  I wanted to get the pictures finished before the cool graffiti covered train car pulled away.

I also had about 500 things on my "to do" list to get done before we got out of town.

I figured I could "fix" whatever I shot using Picasa once I got home.

Striped Top: Express; Khakis: Express
Scarf: Marshalls; Belt: Came on a pair pants
Yellow Loafers: Marshalls
Coral Earrings: Inherited from my MIL

Aren't you feeling privileged to be a witness to the early days of this blog?
At least someday you'll be able to (hopefully) see the progress I've made and skillz I've developed.
There is always a bright spot at the end of the tunnel, right?

... even a tunnel full of hastily shot, overly edited photos.
Thank you for your patience with my learning process!

{I do kind of like the outfit though... it was my stab at the whole belted scarf trend.}

Do you all use fancy schmancy editing tools for your outfit pics?

16 November 2010

To Wish My Pockets Weren't Showing

So, I like this outfit. But I'm not in love with these pictures.

My eyes are squinty and my pockets are showing.

But I really like this outfit.  And I like that there are hidden cows in the background.
Sorry they're hiding.  I swear they are right behind that fence.

Jumper: Vintage; Turtleneck: Thrifted
Cardi: UO; Boots: Victoria's Secret
Earrings: Cheapo ~ Probably ABC Trading Co.

Cows might have saved these pictures.  Dagnabit.

15 November 2010

To Realize I LOVE Being a Girl

I put this outfit on to run errands with the hubby the other day.

He was surprised I got this dressed up.
But he didn't complain.
He just smiled and gave me a kiss.

You know what's so AWESOME about being a girl?

We can get dressed up and look fancy for NO SPECIFIC REASON at all.
And generally husbands don't complain about it.
They just smile.
(and if we’re super lucky we get a kiss too)

Turtleneck: Express; Skirt: Thrifted
Tights: Target; Oxfords: DSW
Locked: Vintage, Inherited; Earrings: Silpada
Twisty Belt Inspiration: Clothed Much

Man, I love being a girl.

Do you ever get dressed up fancy for no specific reason?
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13 November 2010

To Walk in the Woods

Lexi and I snapped these pictures as we were taking a leisurely walk through the woods.

It's a good thing she brought her camera.  Otherwise she would have missed this totally impromptu contemplative moment that I had.

Yep, none of these pictures were posed AT ALL.  They're all just as natural and spontaneous as can be.

Plaid Top: Target; Denim Wrap Skirt: Thrifted
Grey Tights: Target; Black boots: Rocket Dog via Amazon
Silver Multi-strand Necklace: Vintage/Inherited; Pearl Ring: Gift from My Poppy
Earrings: Gifted from my sister
Grey Belt: Came with a pair of pants I think...

It was just your run of the mill, spur of the moment afternoon spent in the woods.
It was totally natural.

In other news, we're headed out of town for a long weekend in D.C.
I know the hubby is super excited about documenting my outfits as we sight-see and spend time with his family.
In the mean time, I've got tons of outfit posts banked so the 30 for 30 will continue while I'm away. I can't wait to catch up with everybody when I get back next week!
Enjoy your weekend.

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