Snowchosis: [snoh-koh-sis] –noun, a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions of blizzards or hallucinations of snowpocalyse, that indicate impaired contact with reality.
We got six and a half inches of snow yesterday!
We knew it was coming MUCH earlier in the week so there was plenty of time to prepare.
You know, like bum rush the grocery stores and buy them out of bread & milk lay down salt and prepare trucks to scrape the roads in time for rush hour?
Except on THURSDAY, a radio DJ actually said, "Be prepared to go to sleep on Sunday and then to not leave your house until Tuesday."
Everything in the city was closed. I'm not kidding.
Even. The. Mall. Closed.
It's like the entire city just gave up and said, "SNOW DAY!"
Black Skinny Cords; Grey Military Sweater Coat
Brown Boots (similar); Flower Ear Warmer (similar)
So rather than fight it, we decided to go with the snowchosis and enjoyed every minute of our day off!!!
**And just in case you're keeping score, my Pops got me that sweater for Christmas. He picked it out! Impressive, yes? And that adorable hat was a gift from my VERY fashionable (some might call her a muse) cousin, Amie. Thank you both for keeping me styling!**
Brown Boots (similar); Flower Ear Warmer (similar)
So rather than fight it, we decided to go with the snowchosis and enjoyed every minute of our day off!!!
**And just in case you're keeping score, my Pops got me that sweater for Christmas. He picked it out! Impressive, yes? And that adorable hat was a gift from my VERY fashionable (some might call her a muse) cousin, Amie. Thank you both for keeping me styling!**

Well enjoy the snow day! You look great in your snow gear! I love the little head wrap, it is so cute!
lucky!! snow is four-leaf-clover rare here. :( cute snow gear!
My parents are COVERED in the NE - they still haven't recovered by snowpacolypse 2010 yet - and they've already been hit once since then and are going to get hit again!
At least in GA we didn't get that much snow - but it is like the ice capades outside right now!
Hahahaha!! Welcome to the South. Panic abounds with a threat of snow. I'm not sure our local schools have been back in a day since the official end of Christmas break. In fact, one day last month they were out for the day because it was "too cold". Seriously. We've lived in Boston, Chicago, Upstate NY, and Alaska - we just laugh. Adorable hat (wasn't expecting it to be open on the top) and LOVE the sweater!
Yeah, it seems that our postal service has a slightly different saying...instead of "neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds." our mail carriers motto is "have you SEEN the roads?" We didn't get ours yesterday.
that is a great sweater! i'm amazed that your father picked it out :)
i wish we had snow days... vermonters stop for nothing. even when i was in school the only reason they ever closed was if there was an ice storm--if we got a lot of snow there would just be a "delay" while they plowed the roads.
Awesomeness! I didn't know the valley was all closed up too. Amazing!
I love your snow day outfit! I really want to try to make a hat like that! And after I try to make it, I will probably give up and buy one that is similar!! You look great! How much are you loving your cords and wanting to wear them every day? Have fun in the snow, we're getting some this afternoon!
we had the same exact thing in Atl. everything shut down and we got ab 6 inches. and you look adorable.
Symptoms of Snowchosis: buying all bread, milk and eggs available compulsively.
French toast anyone?
I can't even begin to understand what it would be like to get that much snow, or any snow really.
I love your ear warmer. I'm gonna try to make one :)
We'll see how it goes...
I love your sweater! It looks so cozy. I am very impressed that your dad picked it out!
And just looking at that snow is making my toes cold!! Brrrrr
You look adorable! You fam had mad skills in picked presents!
LOL! You're hilarious. =D
And I am totally loving that hat. Oh, and those boots. :)
Snow can be fun but SPRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG pleasseeee you couldn't come soon enough!!!!
I was going to tell you that I love the hat but it isn't quite a hat. A hat in training maybe? Super cute either way!
I love snow! I love your outfit- so cute!
Molly you are just as Crazy as you are adorable! Do you know how many times the weather forecasters have predicted snow in years past, and not gotten a flake? I use to think the weather men made a deal with the supermarkets. We went on Sunday to buy rock salt, but Food Lion said they didn't sell it because the south never gets snow! Adorable outfit as usual!
You have a fashion savvy family! You look absolutely adorable in the snow! Our powder is melting already :(
You look adorable in your snow outfit
We got pretty hard here too.
No school yesterday or today.
Looks like you are having fun in that snow...
Love that sweater coat and cool earwarmer...looking cute and cozy!
you are the cutest little thing I've ever seen standin' in snow! I don't remember TN gettin' that much snow when I lived there!
Kristina J.
You look so cute in the snow! You are much more stylish in it than I am!
We got almost 8 inches. And have been homebound since Sunday night. I have cabin fever very badly!!
You're the cutest little snow angel out there! Love the sweater and hat!
I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Aww! So pretty! I love the gray-on-gray!
Omigosh! I SAW a hat just like that and was like, 'huh'??? It's like a toilet seat cover or an airplane pillow! How's it going to look good? Then, you turned (and took a picture, and posted it), and I saw the light! Now I'm regretting not getting one myself. Though isn't that precisely where all the heat leaves your head? Small price, I imagine, for looking so spiffy.
What a gorgeous sweater. You pops has great taste, indeed. Hope you enjoy the snow. We got pounded last night, so I'm home for the day as well.
Thrifty Threads
How cute is that second photo?!:D
***** Marie *****
I seriously love that coat, or sweater, or whatever it is. It's stylish and cozy looking!
Your Pops has some serious fashion sense because that sweater is gorgeous! Seriously gorgeous! So is the headband! That last shot of you is great! Ah, snow days, how I miss them...not! :)
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